サマーファンレーシング ブラック Summer Fan-Lacing Corset black [Summer Fan-Lacing Corset black]

販売価格: 33,880円(税込)
あの大人気ファンレーシング トレーニング用コルセット に夏用が登場しました。
「 夏用コルセット、サマーコルセットって、探してもなかなか良いのないのよねー...」と言う方は、是非この機会にP.C.Wのサマーコルセットから挑戦してみませんか?
The popular fan lacing training corset is now available in a summer version.
This time in a fresh white color!
Can be worn under a shirt!
Thin, durable, and highly breathable!
Summer is the season for wearing light clothing and worrying about your waistline.
But it's too hot to wear a corset in the summer..." This summer corset is perfect for those who are worried about "But it's too hot to wear a corset in the summer!
The material is a durable nylon net used for sports caps.
It is lightweight and comfortable to wear.
Do you want to squeeze a corset around your sweat rash-ridden waist in the coming season?
Why not look cool and show off your best nips to everyone?
They will surely take notice of your beautiful body line!
Stay cool and comfortable even in the hot summer!
Can be worn under a shirt!
Corrects even in light clothing!
If you are saying, "I've been looking for a summer corset, but I can't seem to find a good one..." If you have been looking for a summer corset, why don't you take this opportunity to try P.C.W's summer corsets?
これは便利!Easy-to-use fan lacing.
Free from the difficulty of knitting, just pull the string.
When you want to loosen it, pull it while bending the metal fittings at right angles, and it will unravel smoothly.
This is convenient! -
シャツの下などに着る際に紐をウエストへグルグルと巻くことなく、スッキリとシンプルです。The geometric and beautiful lacing not only looks great, but also has the added benefit of eliminating the need to deal with the strings.
It is simple and neat to wear under a shirt without having to wrap the strings around the waist.