砂ファン ショート ブラック Hourglass Shaped Fan Lacing short black [Hourglass Shaped Fan Lacing short black]

販売価格: 40,480円(税込)
「砂ファン!」の相性で大人気の砂時計型 ファンレーシング アンダーバストに使いやすいショート丈が登場です!
「ファンレーシング プレミア」や「ファンレーシング オーバーバスト」同様生地は厚く、重厚感ある作り。
大人気の砂時計型 ファンレーシング アンダーバストに使いやすいショート丈が登場です!
「ファンレーシング プレミア」や「ファンレーシング オーバーバスト」同様生地は厚く、重厚感ある作り。
The popular hourglass-shaped Fan Racing Underbust is now available in an easy-to-use short length!
The same 8" basque design as the "Entry Model" and "Basic Short".
Despite its short length, it has a feminine silhouette with a three-tiered curve.
Also, the fan lacing fittings are placed on the ribs and hip bones to provide a strong hold, so please be careful not to over-tighten.
Like the Fun Lacing Premier and Fun Lacing Overbust, the fabric is thick and heavy.
You can easily get a beautiful neckline without any difficulty in knitting up afterwards.
Due to the construction of Fun Lacing, the knitted back does not spread as widely. The smaller the size, the smaller the back opening will be. When choosing a size, we recommend a waist measurement of -15cm or less.
ウエストベルトもP.P.テープを仕様で、とても丈夫。テープにも傾斜角度を付けてありますので、体に添って安定させます。Basque type with authentic specifications.
The short length allows even short people to use it with ease.
The waist belt is also made of P.P. tape, making it very durable. The tape is also angled to provide stability along the body. -
「ベーシックショート」同様、特に下腹を押さえたい方には、オススメです。There are metal fittings on the ribs and hip bones, so the degree of tightness can be adjusted according to the body shape of each wearer, which is very convenient.
As with the "Basic Short," we recommend it especially for those who want to hold down the lower belly. -
P.C.W独自開発の「ジグザグ ツイン アイレット」!
安定感のある様に鳩目脇のボーンも本数が増えております。P.C.W's proprietary "zigzag twin eyelets"!
This allows for more coverage by the lacing than conventional fan lacing. This is one of the innovations we have adopted to increase the width of the lacing to make it easier to wear, albeit slightly.
The number of bones on the sides of the dove eyes has also been increased for a sense of stability.