砂時計型 オーバーバスト コルセット(Hourglass Overbust Corset) [Hourglass Overbust Corset]

販売価格: 36,080円(税込)
P.C.Wのコルセットは、海外からビンテージコルセットのパターンを取り寄せ研究。 視覚的効果が最も出るシルエットをチョイスし、再設計。 数多いモニター体験から、日本人の骨格に合わせ調節し、着心地の良さ向上に努めて参りました。
ヨーロッパの伝統技術を紐解くだけでなく、咀嚼し、現代の技を取り入れる事によって、新しいスタンダードを目指し開発されたものです。 数多くのコルセット愛好家さんから賛辞を受け、海外からも評価、問い合わせがあるP.C.Wのコルセットをより多くの方に経験して頂き、美しいウエストラインと着心地の良さを体験して頂きたいと思っております。
This is an overbust type corset with an extremely narrow waist silhouette.
P.C.W. corsets are not just thin.
Simply being thin is meaningless if the corset does not have a beautiful neckline and waistline and causes pain when it hits the ribs and hip bones.
P.C.W corsets are made from vintage corset patterns imported from overseas and studied. The silhouette that produces the best visual effect was selected and redesigned. Based on the experience of many monitors, we have adjusted the corset to fit the Japanese anatomy and have been striving to improve the comfort of the corset.
We have not only deconstructed the traditional European techniques, but also chewed them over and incorporated modern techniques to develop a new standard. We hope that more and more people will experience the beautiful waistline and comfort of P.C.W. corsets, which have received praise from numerous corset enthusiasts and inquiries from overseas as well.
The back style also clearly shows a beautiful neckline as shown here.
For color schemes, please contact us.