M#1 [M#1]

販売価格: 32,780円(税込)
美麗男子コルセット!「M#1」 男性用コルセットは国内外問わず珍しく、さらにウエストを細くする為に作られたものとなると、更に入手困難なものとなります。 今回はユニセックスな印象を与えるコルセットとして設計しました。 丈は普段使いを念頭に考え、短めの8インチバスク仕様。 メンズコルセットを密かな楽しみとしていらっしゃる方には、便利だと思います。 アウターとして使われることも考慮し、上下のラインもスタンダードなものにしており、長くお使い頂けます。 また、世界トップクラスの片身9パネル仕様の超上級者向けコルセットです。 多パネル構造のハイスペック メンズコルセットは海外でも入手困難だと思います。 「メンズでもカラーカスタマイズを対応して欲しい」との声もございましたので、今回はサテンでのご用意となりました。
「スタンダードなシルエット」 「極細の多パネル ハイスペック構造」
価格も前回のコルセットよりお安くさせて頂きました。 男性専用でしっかりとくびれるコルセットをお探しの方は、オススメ致します。 |
Beautiful male corset! M#1
Corsets for men are rare both in Japan and abroad, and even more difficult to find when they are made to slim the waist.
This time, we designed this corset to give a unisex impression.
The length is a short 8-inch busk with everyday use in mind.
We think it will be useful for those who secretly enjoy wearing men's corsets.
Considering that it may be used as an outer garment, the upper and lower lines are also standardized, so it can be used for a long time.
It is also a super advanced corset with a world-class single-body 9-panel design.
We believe that high-spec men's corsets with multi-panel construction are hard to find even overseas.
We have received requests for color customization for men's corsets as well, so we have made them available in satin this time.
Standard silhouette
Ultra-thin, multi-panel, high-spec construction.
The price is also lower than the previous corset.
If you are looking for a corset for men only that will give you a firm waist, we recommend this corset.
耽美な世界をお望みの方にはオススメです。The straight line of the neckline gives a sharp impression.
It is also recommended for those who want to create a more masculine, intellectual, and cool appearance.
The more number of panels creates a more delicate silhouette.
Recommended for those who desire an aesthetic world. -
営業やプライベートでの対応がガラっと変わるかもしれません!The more grafts you have, the thinner each part will be, which will also have the effect of making you look thinner.
We recommend this for those who are looking to seriously reduce their stomachs.
With the recent fitness boom, women are looking at men more and more strictly.
Why don't you purchase this men's corset and transform yourself into a slimmer man?
It may change your business or private life! -
メンズコルセット、男性用コルセット、お探しの方は「M#1」を是非お試し下さい。Normally, men's corsets are not made with a warped back, but this time, in order to apply more pressure, the shape of the back is also set with a stronger curve.
In this sense, the shape of the corset is similar to a women's corset.
Although this corset is designed to be worn by a man, it is designed with the image of a slender man who gives a unisex impression as seen in shoujo manga.
In anime cosplay, it is not uncommon to see characters with extremely slender waists, and in gothic fashion, a slender body goes well with a gorgeous outfit.
We believe that our corsets are widely supported by both the general public and some hobbyists.
If you are looking for a men's corset or a corset for men, please try "M#1".